Gekko gecko


New member
tokays are my fav geckos !!! im looking for some more hit me up if u have any!!!

i have mine :) 12 inch and i think he's heavy but i didnt weigh him yet since he's the guard of my kitchen for some pest and roaches... he's my pet for 3 years.


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My baby tokay is healty and well but like I said before ive known these guys to be pretty aggressive. Is it normal that he wont really hunt his/her own food? I find myself having to force feed it crickets


New member
No that isn't normal. He should be eating on his own. I suggest stopping all force feeding methods it's causing more stress to the baby. A healhy baby or adult cam get stressed realitivly easily and stop all eating because of that. I suggest being totally hands off for at least a month until you get him on a good feeding schedule. Stop offering food for s couple days at least and then put a fee crix in there to see if he eats them. I would also examine your husbandry and set up. Is he warm enough? Does he have many hiding places on the walls of the tank? Does he have alot of coverage in the tank? Whats his humidity like? Check on these things and do not forcefeed or handle at all and then try offering some food in a few days.


New member
His tank is actually pretty decked out. I'm pretty much using all the components from my beardeds tank. My tokay is in a 40 breeder so at his size ita like a mansion lol. Hes got a 100w basking and a uvb lamp also. Ive also got an auyomatic mister. Hes on reptibark for now I was gonna go with the coconut substrate but wasnt to keen on it because I dont think he would like such a fine substrate. He does like to burrow in the reptobark during the day tho. The tank has plenty of live plants as well as so fake ones suctioned along the walls so hes got plenty of coverage to get out of the light. At night ive got an infared 100w bulb as well as a ceramic heater. The temp night or day never drops below 79-82 and the humidity never dips below 80% either. I mean I havent seen him hunt the crickets so it worries me a bit


New member
i got another one from wild hes too aggressive that he could jump off almost a meter away... i just caged him.

can anyone suggest what to do to make him feed with his normal feeding habit cuz i tried feeding him (not forcing him) but he doesnt consume the roaches a fed him.:)


New member
That's because he's stressed out. Give him a few days totally hands off and then try feeding again. Continue to be hands off for a few weeks until he acclimates.


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A new care_sheet entry has been added:

I have two tokay gecko female and male the seems to dont at all and the female keeps on eating the superworms even though i fed them in the afternoon the male is always first to come but he still doesnt eat :cry:


New member
Im having issues sexing mine. I think its a girl (I hope it is cause her name is Bubbles) and she needs s husband Im going to name him Thor.


New member
I have had Bubbles for about a month now! She is awesome and has very weird little quirks, but I find the growling and hanging out in the food dish adorable :)