Any Mod online now?


New member
I keep getting an error message when I am trying to reply to the post on mealworm breeding.

The error says something about URL's and forbidden words.

Problem is that my post does not contain any type of URL or anything that would be considered forbidden.

Please help. By PM or on here.



New member

Through trial and error, I figured out I could not use the word: I.M.M.O.B.I.L.E.

Without the "."'s. Strange word to ban.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
I don't have any issues with typing immobile.
In general, we don't have " banned" words here. We do have software that will edit certain words (foul language).
But it still allows the post. So, I'm not sure what your issue was. It wasn't the word immobile though.


New member
I don't have any issues with typing immobile.
In general, we don't have " banned" words here. We do have software that will edit certain words (foul language).
But it still allows the post. So, I'm not sure what your issue was. It wasn't the word immobile though.

Thanks. It my just be a fluke.

I own a vBulletin forum gaming website so I am very used to some of it's quirkier features. My guess is the issue relates to my low posts number.

I also got the same error when "quoting" a helpful post that included the Leopard Gecko Care Guide link. I thought it was strange then too since that link was from elsewhere in these same forums.

Thanks though. Great site.