Gargoyle Gecko sexual difference care


New member
Hi all,

I'm looking to purchase a Gargoyle Gecko in the next 2-3 weeks. They aren't all that common in my area, however I have found a 3 month old striped (exactly what I was looking for). It was incubated female but it is yet to be confirmed. I've heard that care for female Gargoyle/Crested Gecko's can be a bit if a concern and is generally harder than male's. I'm not looking to breed them (currently) and so just wanted people's experience with male vs female care. Is it really that much extra work/worry for a female?

Any opinions and stories will be appreciated.

Many thanks,


Super Moderator
the only difference in terms of care is that females can lay eggs, even virgin females. if you're feeding an appropriate diet, it's never an issue unless you breed her too early or she doesn't cycle off in the winter.


New member
the only difference in terms of care is that females can lay eggs, even virgin females. if you're feeding an appropriate diet, it's never an issue unless you breed her too early or she doesn't cycle off in the winter.

I'm certain I'll do the rest, but cycle off in winter? Not familiar with that.


Super Moderator
it's pretty rare from my own experience and what I have heard, and most discussions I've witnessed suggest it's a husbandry thing.

most female geckos stop laying with the seasonal change, and only drop eggs ~March through late summer, varying a bit by the gecko. if this happens, she has plenty of time to re-build calcium stores. if not, her calcium stores may be depleted and this can be an issue. but as I said, it's rare. and if it did happen, a drop in light and temp would most likely fix it.

I've kept a number of gecko species for over a decade and I have never experienced this, even with the handful of pairs I kept together year-round.