care sheet for Naultinus Grayi


New member
Hi everyone,

does anyone have a link to a care sheet for this species?

I have never had so much difficulty locating care sheets on any lizard before.
If anyone would be so kind as to help me locate one or if you are a keeper
Of this gecko type would you be so kind to creating a source of care info I could have a look at?

Thanks guys


New member

well some stuff is available online!:fight::coverlaugh::fight:
best is to buy all stuff about NZ animals and study the temperature and rainfall over the months. Then take temperture samples over several years in the area you want to keep them, maybe with empty cages, onlythe soil and plants inside to get a feeling about the temperature max/min! :idea:

Online info:
Welcome to the New Zealand Herpetological Society for Lizard Keepers.pdf

Books or separata:
SEUFER, H. (1994): Successful captive propagation of the viviparous New Zealand geckos: Hoplodactylus pacificus, Naultinus e. elegans, Naultinus grayii. - Dactylus, 2 (4): 138-149.

Gekko Volume 3 (2) (GGA)
Rowlands, Rod. 2003. Selective breeding of the Green tree Gecko, Naultinus elegans elegans. Gekko. 3(2):41-44. []

Adaptive Radiation of the New Zealand Geckos - on CD by M.J Kean $30.00

N.Z. Frogs and Reptiles, by Brian Gill & Tony Whitaker: 112 pages in colour! NZ's most up-to-date guide on the species. $30.00

N.Z. Geckos: A guide to Captive Maintenance and Breeding, by R.P.V. Rowlands: A great guide for successfully keeping geckos. New edition $13.00

Some things I think are important, it may differ a lot from other breeders experiences:
Important is a lot of air and a very cool night temperature, like highland Chamaeleons!:drool: Best is outside for most of the year with watching of day and night temperature. Never let them overheat at daytime or give not enough drop of temperature at nighttime! They are definitely no animals for indoor caging! :roll:

Rain plenty in the morning and let it dry till night. Give a good 10cm of moist soil and on top a layer of bark to hide, especially in summer, the geckos like to take a rest when temperatures are to high. Some plants and shade and some kork tubes to have shelter when it rains. Allow them to take sunbaths as often as they like and have cooler parts (24-28 celsius/75-82 fahrenheit) to go back!
Did I write, never let them overheat? :crackup:

In winter go down to 2-4 celsius at night and 15-18 celsius at day give them small basking lamps (25 W spot):evil:

A bit dryer and fewer food. :crackup:

Good luck!:cheer:

Ah, important: never let them overheat! :yikes:



New member
Thanks for sharing, Tom!

You are a champ!!! :yahoo:

Thanks Elizabeth

the problem is that the real experienced breeders are only interested in getting more money, not sharing their experiences, just hiding it!!!

That is sad and not good for the geckos!


Cheers Thomas


New member
Geckotom, that is not the case here in new zealand, maybe in the states, or europe, but here mainly the opposite is the case