two new Frog Eye's :)


New member
We have the two groups of 3 and we will just sit in the gecko room and watch them. We could be there a half hour easy! There is no other animal or reptile that we have that we are so into watching! Very active,curious little guys. To watch them touch cheeks is just something! they are so gentle about it.


New member
thats why they are pretty highly ranked in my book by far the most curios geckos ive had over the years constantly out and always hungry and it looks like a couple of my females might be holding eggs already


New member
thats why they are pretty highly ranked in my book by far the most curios geckos ive had over the years constantly out and always hungry and it looks like a couple of my females might be holding eggs already

That is awesome with the eggs! What temp do you incubate at? Mid 80's? No humidity at all for the incubator I understand from other people...

They are so curious and seemingly so unafraid. Like the little bulldogs of the gecko world :)


New member
hey, nice pair there :) im actually posting to find out about breeding, cant seem to find any help on it :( does anyone have any advice on breeding? any advice would help :) thanks:biggrin:


New member
Super nice pics and I love those frog eyed babies. They really do like their new habitat. You really have it set up nice for them