What morph is my leopard gecko???

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I thought paradox spots were red/orange. Maybe it depends what morph they're on?

What would he need to breed it with to get similar babies? Just another similarly-colored blizzard?


Paradox spots are simply marks which don't normally occur in a particular morph. I've only ever seen black ones, I suppose they could be any colour.

As far as I know people don't seem to know if they have a genetic factor in, but if there is and you breed two blizzards with paradox spotting the babies will have a higher likelihood of getting them.

Embrace Calamity

New member
Paradox spots are simply marks which don't normally occur in a particular morph. I've only ever seen black ones, I suppose they could be any colour.

As far as I know people don't seem to know if they have a genetic factor in, but if there is and you breed two blizzards with paradox spotting the babies will have a higher likelihood of getting them.
Sorry, I meant the "Scooby Doo" color, not the spot. I think it's a really cool color for a leo. :)



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What morf is my gecko?



I still don't know what morf is gecko?


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Just wondering what morphs I have??

I bought them from a pet store and they were marked as leopard geckos but some pictures are starting to make me question if they are in fact banded geckos..

Im not really up to date on the types of morphs so if anyone could lend some knowledge that would be awesome.

Your Albino is such a cutie. thank you for giving him a nice life. Does he have Red Eyes? was he born naturally blind do you know? I wonder if he is TRULY blind, or just has bad eyesight due to harsh lighting on his red eyes.
Due to his red eyes I think he is of the mack snow albino morph
Guide to Leopard Gecko Morphs an

Mack Super Snow Albino
is basically the Mack Super Snow version of the Mack Snow Albinos mentioned above. Like the Mack Snow Albinos, these can be created for any of the three types of Albino. They exhibit the same pattern as a Mack Super Snow, but the black is replaced by shades of beige or tan. Mack Super Snow Albinos have solid colored eyes which are very dark on Tremper and Rainwater specimens, and solid bright red on Bell Albino specimens.

Bell Albinos are well-known for their light pink-colored eyes visible from birth through adulthood. Some of them tend to have a greater amount of small brownish spots, and some also have greater amounts of lavender coloring on them. Bell Albinos are the "newest" strain of albinism discovered in Leopard Geckos.


New member
Hello, these are my first two geckos. I know one is a tremper albino, but can anyone tell me what morph the second gecko is?

my gecko has since shed revealing more of a tangerine tint to him as well as a bolder carrot tail and even some tiny lavender spots. I know she's at least a carrot tail, any other ideas?


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which one

my gecko has since shed revealing more of a tangerine tint to him as well as a bolder carrot tail and even some tiny lavender spots. I know she's at least a carrot tail, any other ideas?

Hi, is it the Leo on the right or left that you want to identify?


New member
What Morph Is My Leo?

Hi guys, I posted a pic of my Leo awhile ago (probably 3 months ago)
And since then she has devolped more colors.

She was identified as a Mack-Snow but I am wondering if she might be something else.

Here is a pic of her taken on 2-19-2013::


Embrace Calamity

New member
Not mack snow, at least not from the pic, which is kind of dark. IMO, looks like a regular normal/high yellow. (But I'm no morph expert.)



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I'm new here so I don't have much of an idea other than a normal... But the little orange in her tail is very cool!



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Edit:: The above Leo I posted was Black and White striped when she was a youngster.
I will take a pic with flash on soon to take care of the darkness


New member
This is my leopard gecko(dont mind the exo terra thing thats where i bought him from)And im thinking its some mack snow morph.can you help me out?


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New member
Edit:: The above Leo I posted was Black and White striped when she was a youngster.
I will take a pic with flash on soon to take care of the darkness

If black and white striped as a hatchling then it is mack snow, but the photo does look normal. It's probably the lighting, and some macks do look very normal as they grow. Mack snow it is :)
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