New member
Hello! I'm new to this forum and new to crested geckos! Yesterday was a big day for me because I purchased my first crested! (Well, first gecko in general!) I don't know what gender he/she is (too young), so I'll just refer to Pocket as they/them
Pocket Pocket Pocket!
I bought this little bugger yesterday at my local reptile expo!I have been wanting a crestie for a while, and prepard. I am worried about how young they are (about 3 months), and I wouldv'e gotten an adult, but I got Pocket for 2 reasons:
2: Adults were pretty $$
But I think I can do it! I've kept snakes for a while now, so I have a basic idea. I'm up for the challenge!
(He is eating Pangea Banana and Apricot, and I'll offer dusted, live pinhead crickets on Thursday)
I was actually planning on getting a sub-adult/adult, so I prepared a big tub! Pocket was way too little for that, so I did a bit of last minute DIY-ing. I stopped by Dollar Tree on my way home and got some stuff to put this little thing together! If you'd like, I can go more in depth about how I made it.

At least I have a tub set up for when they're bigger!
Temps and humidity!
So, I'm keeping Pocket's tub on the shelf underneath one of my snake's tanks, where it stays around 74°F-75°F during the day and dropping to 70°F-71°F at night. I don't have any kind of lighting or heat source. I mist twice a day, when I wake up and before I go to sleep.
I might have messed up...
This has been bugging me all day. I really really hope I didn't hurt them! I was trying to help them get some up their shed off (which I did) and I was pulling reallly gently. They started to open their mouth and just kept it open for a sec. I don't know what this means... I got all their shed off. I wanted to get the shed off because I like to frame all my animals first shed with me, and I knew if I put them back like that they'd eat it. I just hope I didn't hurt them. They've been acting competly normal now, though.
Thank you for reading! I hope Pocket has a long, healthy life
Please give me some constructinve critisim if I'm doing ANYTHING wrong! I need to know! Thank you!
Pocket Pocket Pocket!

2: Adults were pretty $$
But I think I can do it! I've kept snakes for a while now, so I have a basic idea. I'm up for the challenge!
(He is eating Pangea Banana and Apricot, and I'll offer dusted, live pinhead crickets on Thursday)
I was actually planning on getting a sub-adult/adult, so I prepared a big tub! Pocket was way too little for that, so I did a bit of last minute DIY-ing. I stopped by Dollar Tree on my way home and got some stuff to put this little thing together! If you'd like, I can go more in depth about how I made it.

At least I have a tub set up for when they're bigger!
Temps and humidity!
So, I'm keeping Pocket's tub on the shelf underneath one of my snake's tanks, where it stays around 74°F-75°F during the day and dropping to 70°F-71°F at night. I don't have any kind of lighting or heat source. I mist twice a day, when I wake up and before I go to sleep.
I might have messed up...
This has been bugging me all day. I really really hope I didn't hurt them! I was trying to help them get some up their shed off (which I did) and I was pulling reallly gently. They started to open their mouth and just kept it open for a sec. I don't know what this means... I got all their shed off. I wanted to get the shed off because I like to frame all my animals first shed with me, and I knew if I put them back like that they'd eat it. I just hope I didn't hurt them. They've been acting competly normal now, though.
Thank you for reading! I hope Pocket has a long, healthy life
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