First Crestie! Questions/Set-Up/Concerns


New member
Hello! I'm new to this forum and new to crested geckos! Yesterday was a big day for me because I purchased my first crested! (Well, first gecko in general!) I don't know what gender he/she is (too young), so I'll just refer to Pocket as they/them :)

Pocket Pocket Pocket! IMG_7258.jpg I bought this little bugger yesterday at my local reptile expo!I have been wanting a crestie for a while, and prepard. I am worried about how young they are (about 3 months), and I wouldv'e gotten an adult, but I got Pocket for 2 reasons:
2: Adults were pretty $$
But I think I can do it! I've kept snakes for a while now, so I have a basic idea. I'm up for the challenge!
(He is eating Pangea Banana and Apricot, and I'll offer dusted, live pinhead crickets on Thursday)

I was actually planning on getting a sub-adult/adult, so I prepared a big tub! Pocket was way too little for that, so I did a bit of last minute DIY-ing. I stopped by Dollar Tree on my way home and got some stuff to put this little thing together! If you'd like, I can go more in depth about how I made it.
At least I have a tub set up for when they're bigger!

Temps and humidity!
So, I'm keeping Pocket's tub on the shelf underneath one of my snake's tanks, where it stays around 74°F-75°F during the day and dropping to 70°F-71°F at night. I don't have any kind of lighting or heat source. I mist twice a day, when I wake up and before I go to sleep.

I might have messed up...
This has been bugging me all day. I really really hope I didn't hurt them! I was trying to help them get some up their shed off (which I did) and I was pulling reallly gently. They started to open their mouth and just kept it open for a sec. I don't know what this means... I got all their shed off. I wanted to get the shed off because I like to frame all my animals first shed with me, and I knew if I put them back like that they'd eat it. I just hope I didn't hurt them. They've been acting competly normal now, though.

Thank you for reading! I hope Pocket has a long, healthy life :) Please give me some constructinve critisim if I'm doing ANYTHING wrong! I need to know! Thank you!
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Super Moderator
keep in mind that cresteds are arboreal geckos. if your gecko is spending a lot of time in the hide on the ground, he is probably stressed out? if he's hanging out on the branches and in the foliage, that's normal behavior.


New member
keep in mind that cresteds are arboreal geckos. if your gecko is spending a lot of time in the hide on the ground, he is probably stressed out? if he's hanging out on the branches and in the foliage, that's normal behavior.

Well, is it okay if s/he sleeps inside his hide or on the ground between some leaves? That's where I usually find them. Though around 7:30pm and on I can find them on the bamboo sticks and climbing around, they just don't sleep up there.
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New member
Oh! And another question I have that I forgot to put up there is:
Pocket always has Pangea food, but as far as crickets go do I just give him 2-5 once a week? Every other day? Sorry, Thanks!


New member
I don't want to spam this thread, so I'll make it short.
Is this normal? They've been sleeping on the ground, but during the night is up in the bamboo. Also, they haven't gained any more weight (still at 3g). I don't visualy see any Pangea gone, but when I gave them fresh yesterday I held some up and they ate it. I'm sorry! I'm a worried crested gecko mom! I've been reading on here and I'm seeing alot of babies just randomly die... I shouldv'e gotten an adult... I'm just nevous. This marks Pockets fourth day with us.


Super Moderator
are you seeing little poops? also, sometimes it takes a few weeks to adjust. and I wouldn't expect significant weight gain for at least a month or more, tiny cresties grow slowly.

if it's only been 4 days, I would suggest giving your gecko more time and space to adjust to his new surroundings.


New member
are you seeing little poops? also, sometimes it takes a few weeks to adjust. and I wouldn't expect significant weight gain for at least a month or more, tiny cresties grow slowly.

if it's only been 4 days, I would suggest giving your gecko more time and space to adjust to his new surroundings.

I haven't seen any poop, but I haven't really checked. Good, I'll do another weigh-in in a month. :) I'll ease off them lol. I've only held them outside of the tub maybe twice? I know that's not good, but it was only for about 5 mintes each. To show my sisters, and to check on them/take some pictures.


New member
My cresteds (I have some from eggs that have hatched and been growing) are now about 4-6 months depending on who it is. The older hatchlings weigh in at 4.5 grams, the younger ones are just under 3 grams. Hope that helps you kind of get an idea of how slowly these guys grow at this age. But insects once a week to a couple times have definitely shown massive boosts with my guys and I know are a healthy addition for good growth and mental stimulation as far as hunting.

Edit: I have a few cresties, mostly some of my adults who are ground sleepers. I end up adding some plastic plants down there for them to curl up in and feel a bit extra safe during "night" time for them XD. However during "day" time for them, or just night when they are awake all my geckos are very active and wandering around in their twigs and foliage. I know some individuals in the wild are known for sleeping closer to the ground? So maybe it's just something certain ones do? I have some who love sleeping higher.
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New member
So ... how is Pocket doing these days?

Thanks for asking! Sorry for not updating on her, something came up with one of my snakes and I've been distracted with that.
She's been doing great. She's currently 21g (Started at 3)! Eating watermelon mango Pangea with no problems, and she loves her bugs.
We celebrated her first birthday two days ago on Halloween, breeder said it was around this time. She had a big cricket meal lol.
I can't remember if I ever showed a pic of her new big tank on here but i'll attach one just in case. I just put that hanging hide in a couple days ago and she really like it.
And as she's getting older I've noticed her colors and patterns have been changing and she's soo pretty.
I really love having her, she makes me laugh all the time. I'll try to update more frequently on here. Thanks :))
(i added 2 baby pics so you could see how much shes grown)IMG_6712.jpgIMG_2128.jpg

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Thanks, GpBp, for sharing this excellent news about Pocket, pics, and the fact that she's thriving on Pangea Complete diet + bugs!

:idea: Keep up your TLC including the bugs. :biggrin: