Only able to view first 10 posts


I don't know why but how come I can only see the first 10 posts and not more? If I choose "Printable view" I am able to see more but I cant see the numbers "1,2,3, etc.." on the bottom of the thread post saying to go to the next page lol


Staff member
Is it happening on all threads, or just one?
How are you accessing the forum - computer, phone, other?

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I always access GU from a laptop that's plugged in -- not roving.

"Something" has been happening at least for the last several weeks that makes GU quite sluggish.

Frequently GU (and neither my email nor FB) fails to load for an extremely long time -- like minutes before I'm able to access some post. Maybe this has something to do with a significant increase in double posting lately?

Something new is that sometimes when I click an attachment, it's all grayed out. :(

Does GU need a "tune-up"?
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I access the forum on the computer, laptop, and phone. All of them show the same thing. I also have tried using different browsers and does the same thing. I changed the settings to show newest first and that seemed to work but I dont know why I wasnt able to see it. I agree with Elizabeth Freer, some days are very slow to the point it does not load the page or you have to wait awhile to access it.


Super Moderator
Liz, if your email and fb are also slow, it has nothing to do with GU.

I've noticed GU is a bit sluggish lately, so I cleared my cache and browser history down to the bare bones. it worked like a charm. that's often a fix if sites aren't as responsive as they should be (assuming your internet connection is robust). things like cookies and add-ons and such will clutter up your browser's ability to work at cruising speed.

as far as the 10 posts: I saw the same when I logged in with my desktop computer. I assumed there were only 10 since I logged in yesterday, although it seemed a little less than usual. so I can't say whether or not I've experienced this as a glitch or not.


Super Moderator
hey Hilde - one other thing. I almost exclusively use a desktop here, so I can't speak to other platforms. but I've noticed lately that if I go to post a reply, after a second or so I get the dialogue box asking if I'm sure I want to leave the page. if I click "yes" sometimes my reply will double-post. I'm not sure why, but I'm betting it's related to whatever bugs are in the vbulletin at the moment.


Staff member
That would explain a few double posts. I've never had that happen (yet?). Thanks for adding that to the list.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
. . . . . .

Frequently GU (and neither my email nor FB) fails to load for an extremely long time -- like minutes before I'm able to access some post. Maybe this has something to do with a significant increase in double posting lately?

. . . . . .

That means this problem is only happening with my GU. My email and FB load normally.

Aimless's double post of post#6 on this thread was removed.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
GU still wants to double post. :scratchhead:

Posting speed continues to be extremely slow -- off and on.
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Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
[MENTION=1]Marty[/MENTION] It's software related.

I usually subscribe to most all the threads I see. I thought that meant I would get notified when anyone posts to that thread. That's not been happening for quite a while.

Here's one example. I'm subscribed to:

Yesterday Aliza posted. I was not sent an email notification.

Something is still broken. :(

Yesterday I received 3 thanks/likes between 2:21-3:13 PM. Nearly 12 hours later they've not showed up in my Inbox for my GU auto-notifications.


New member
Just wanted to jump in and say that I've also gotten the "Are you sure you want to leave this page" box when attempting to post.


Staff member
Marty is aware of the problems, so we just have to wait until he gets it figured out.
There's no need for daily updates, it's not going to speed things up.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Once again my auto-notifications have failed.

Three current threads I've already posted to multiple times failed to provide ANY notifications at all this afternoon.

  1. Marbliss
  2. Sci~gecko
  3. Geecko123's : Everything I need to know.
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Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
The posting prompts which, if followed, result in double posting, have also reappeared.

Check these threads:
Here's a thread I replied to 3+ hours ago. Even though my post shows, it has still not been "counted" in the New Thread lineup.
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