Humidity problem?


New member

My Leopard Gecko is 5 years old. He's regularely removing the moss in his humidity before going in it. Most of the time, the moss is wet when he's doing it. Almost everytime I clean his vivarium, he will do it the next day. He's not always removing it, it's not like he's hating it.

I rarely can see him do it, but I saw him this morning and I checked the termostat:
- Hot spot (recorded on the ground) : 90F
- Cold spot (recorded 4 po / 10cm above the ground) : 80F
- Humidity : 60%

I don't know if it's a humidity problem (humidity too high) or something else.

I'm using Forest Moss that I put in the hide
Exo Terra : Forest Moss / Substrat pour terrarium de climat tropical


I think this is a normal behavior of this species and I would not think it is excess of humidity. I have noticed the increase of digging on the opposite, when the humidity is low, what makes sense if you consider that in the wild they live in holes and the soil starts drying up first. But if the moss is humid, nothing to worry about.