Advice pls....

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New member
Hello all.

I am active on the chameleon forums as I own two of them. A friend of my wive had to give up hers. so we decided to take him on. I just have a few questions. this is after I watched many youtube vids on them.

Some say a vertical habitat with substrate ( eco earth etc) and lots of vines and tree for him to climb?

Some say horizontal habitat?

do they really eat and drink from bowls?

many also mentioned crickets only 2-3 times a month?

many said pangea fruit mix food?

what about home made food? only fruits?

thank you ahead of time.*


Staff member
Which species of chameleon is it? That can make a bit of difference in the care advice.


New member
Hello all.

I am active on the chameleon forums as I own two of them. A friend of my wive had to give up hers. so we decided to take him on. I just have a few questions. this is after I watched many youtube vids on them.

Some say a vertical habitat with substrate ( eco earth etc) and lots of vines and tree for him to climb?

Some say horizontal habitat?

do they really eat and drink from bowls?

many also mentioned crickets only 2-3 times a month?

many said pangea fruit mix food?

what about home made food? only fruits?

thank you ahead of time.*

OK. I just got back from the store. I bought a 29 gallon tank that I will setup vertically.* a lot of the research i did tells me that is what many people use. the question i have is what kind of cover does everyone use on those tanks? the only cover petsmart and petco had were complete door or anything. where have any of yall gotten a cover with some sort of door? thx

its a crested gecko. I have chameleons. But need info on the gecko. thx

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Welcome aboard. Thanks for mentioning that you have a crested gecko.

When my friend customizes 10 gallon enclosures from horizontal to vertical, she carefully removes the glass at one end. Then she replaces that glass with 1/8 inch or 1/4 inch hardware "cloth"/wire mesh. She cuts the hardware cloth to size and then secures it to the new top of the enclosure with a velcro strip along the front and the back. This provides necessary ventilation and airflow for a crested gecko.

She then measures the wide open section for a piece of custom-cut plexiglas. She has an access door cut into the plexiglas with a hinged door. She uses packing tape to secure the plexiglas panel to the edges of her 10 gallon enclosures.

I use Eco Earth's coco fiber as a substrate for crestie George whom I've kept for 12.5 years.

My crestie loves Pangea Fruit Mix Complete with Insects. Pangea is a trusted brand.

Here's my Crested Gecko Care Sheet. It's in outline form.

Post #6 on the above thread details how my friend customizes her 10 gallon enclosures.
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