I would also like to add that, while I don't know whether you're male or female, or what your morph is, lol(!) it's very evident that you are an intelligent, responsible young person who is very interested in responsible pet ownership. I think that if you can show your mom that you care enough about the animal to do what is best for it and are willing to give it up to someone who can provide for its needs, even though you would love to keep it, that shows a very mature response. And then start adding on to the research that you are already doing, and start doing odd jobs so that you can save up some money for your very own captive-born gecko. That way you will have the tank and the set-up all ready for it, and can show your mom that you are willing to do what it takes to responsibly care for one of your very own that CAN be a pet. I think you would be an awesome owner; the fact that you came here for help and asked good questions, and are doing your best with what you have, tells me that one day in the not-too-distant future, you will be ready to be a reptile owner, and you will be prepared to give it the best life possible!