New Here


New member
I am new here and looking for some advice, I have a 30 gallon fish tank that I am not sure if it will hold water or not so I have decided to turn it into Vivarium. I am not sure what I should keep in it, I am looking for some suggestions? I thought maybe a gargoyle gecko, but was told it was not tall enough. I also, thought of tree frogs but again they need height not length. Can any of you recommend something? I have 7 grandchildren under 8 so it has to be something that is easy to be seen. It cannot have a bad bite if they do get in the cage, even being watched they do things they are not supposed to do. Please keep in mind I do not want to have to get a bigger cage and NO SNAKES!!! My ex-husband put 3 rattle snakes in my bed when we were getting divorced will never go near another snake or a lizard that looks like one.
Finally, an added bonus if you could show me a natural vivarium of it's habitat. I plan on setting up the vivarium for a while and take my time to find the right pet.


Active member
The most obvious pet for an enclosure that size is a leopard gecko. Google "leopard gecko enclosures" and "bioactive leopard gecko tank" and you'll find lots of articles, pictures and videos.
