Rhinogekko misonnei . . . . . . bred by geckophile Marcel Widmann

Elizabeth Freer

Active member
Have you ever seen a gecko with tiny horns?

Here are ~2 of Marcel Widmann's Rhinogekko misonnei youngsters from 2020! These geckos are nearly adults. Rhinogekko misonnei keep their 2 small nose horns throughout their lives!

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(click to enlarge)​

Marcel adds: Males & females "look quite similar, it’s even hard to see the differences between males and females. The hemipenes bulges from males are not that clearly visible and both genders have spines on the tail base, on males slightly bigger ones. But my adult male has some visible Präanofemoral pores."
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Active member
They are very cute! Are they yours from him or are you passing on pictures of his? I would love to get in contact with him to see if he'll do a Gecko Time article about them (unless they're yours and you'd like to write an article. I can send guidelines).


Elizabeth Freer

Active member
Marcel said yesterday I could share his images from facebook's group: Terraristik fur Fortgeschrittene. How about joining that group or becoming friends with Marcel on Facebook?
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Elizabeth Freer

Active member
Those images of Rhinogekko misonnei were taken by Marcel. They are his geckos.

As of November 2021 Rhinogekko misonnei are unavailable in the USA. Marcel tells me there is one keeper in Russia plus two people (one in Germany and one in Czech Republic) who've received offspring from him.