Hello to all :)


New member
Hi there!
we have had reptiles for a while now but I just found this site recently (wish I saw it sooner) Our family has a Crestie, an albino milk snake, and now a gold dust day gecko (the geico gecko)
We also had 2 bearded dragons that were with us a LONG time.
We just finished our day geckos' live vivarium and wanted some thoughts or guidance on it since it was the first time we have done it. We also want to do the same thing for our crestie soon.
Hope you all like the pix.


Well-known member
Welcome! Nice enclosure. Here are a few comments to consider:
--hopefully your plants will like the enclosure. I have had many failures. You may not, but be prepared. Pothos has been most successful for me. I've also put "lucky bamboo" (it's really dracaena) in a small bud vase and set that in the enclosure.

--it may be a good idea to have a little more cover over some of the central perch area. Sometimes day geckos like to feel a little more secure when basking. If you never your gecko basking, that could be the reason.

--I assume this is a 12x12x18" enclosure (if not, ignore this). I've gone both ways with enclosure size and gold dust day geckos. My first gold dust, that I had for 12 years, was in a pretty large enclosure. Ultimately, I switched it with my crestie since I found (and continue to find) that at 12x12x18 is too small for an adult crestie and that this day gecko wasn't very active. My current gold dust started in a 12x12x18 but when an 18x18x24" became available, I switched her to that one (I've had her for about 4-5 years). Since I'm home more than I used to be (you can imagine why!) I get to see her during the day and she uses the entire enclosure.



New member
Thankyou for all the good info. The enclosure is 12x12x24. There is a large lucky bamboo plant in the back of the enclosure. I haven't had alot of luck with live plants either. Trying one more time with this one. I will try to make a more covered basking area too.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Try Sansevieria (snake plants) too. Sansevieria come in short squatty plaints, medium tall plants, and tall plants. Thoroughly water Sansevieria. Let it dry out between watering!


Well-known member
I have found it hard to be successful with Sansevieria in enclosures where I mist every day.
