Day Gecko Won't Move From Glass Door


New member
First time poster and hoping to get some advice from you guys.
MY son got a Madagascar Day Gecko in March.
He and I put together a Paluradium complete with ~10gallon aquarium at the bottom and a MistKing system.

"Gleck" the Gecko has been in it since day one and seems to love it; no problems.

Since then we have added a MistKing system and he has grown nicely.

The Problem...

Gleck spends A LOT of time on the glass door of the enclosure. This makes it difficult for cleanings, feedings, water changes, pretty much EVERYTHING necessary for proper tank care.

We can sometimes convince him to move using the cricket tongs and gently touching him; the issue is I don't want to knock him into the water below or open the door enough to allow him to escape. ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


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Well-known member
It's worthwhile considering whether it's too hot on the perch under the basking light or whether there's some other reason he's not spending more time on that perch. It may be worthwhile adding a perch that spans the width of the enclosure and that's not right up against the wall. It may also end up being a situation where you wait until he finds a different favorite place which does tend to happen (unless there's some husbandry reason why he's not using other parts of the enclosure).



New member
Thanks... The door hangout is a recent development... past 5-6 weeks. I've wanted to put a piece of bamboo across the tank at a lower midway point but need to find something that spans the distance. The Fluker bamboo with suction cups isn't long enough.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Thanks... The door hangout is a recent development... past 5-6 weeks. I've wanted to put a piece of bamboo across the tank at a lower midway point but need to find something that spans the distance. The Fluker bamboo with suction cups isn't long enough.

Welcome to Geckos Unlimited!

Try sourcing bamboo from a local garden center. Awhile back I purchased some loooong bamboo that I trim to fit in place.


New member
Welcome to Geckos Unlimited!

Try sourcing bamboo from a local garden center. Awhile back I purchased some loooong bamboo that I trim to fit in place.

I actually have some real bamboo, and it's long enough, but I'm not sure how to secure it across the tank the way I want it: Horizontally across the tank with the ends on the glass... the way the suction cups would hold it.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I actually have some real bamboo, and it's long enough, but I'm not sure how to secure it across the tank the way I want it: Horizontally across the tank with the ends on the glass... the way the suction cups would hold it.

Find suction cups somewhat larger than the bamboo's diameter from a local hardware store or online. Remove the hooks, if necessary. Apply a dab of vegetable oil to the inside of each cup. That makes them "grip" longer.

Another way to attach bamboo to glass is to use aquarium-safe silicone on each end.

Have you heard about a layered substrate to supply adequate humidity for Phelsuma? Then falling into the water would not be an issue.

Water the Hydro balls through the top layer when the environment dries out some.

From the bottom up:
3rd layer: Zoo Med's Premium Repti Bark (100% pure fir bark) or Eco Earth's Coco Fiber substrate perhaps topped with sphagnum moss
2nd layer: weed blocker cloth (water permeable)
1st layer: several inches of Hydroton (clay culture marble-sized balls) from a hydroponics or pet store
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Well-known member
Just cut a piece of bamboo to size and jam it in there. No silicone or suction cups needed. If it's a bit off in size, it will be at a slight angle from the horizontal. Just don't cut it too small. A little too big is ideal.
