Bad shed, leading to bruised tail

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
I've been keeping my eyes open for hornworms that are not too big...but I don't think it's a hydration issue.

Today she actually finished up her last Antibiotic Injection. The Vet called me and exclaimed proudly "SHE LOOKS SOOOO MUCH BETTER", but I still see swelling in her knees, and when I pointed that out to him, he replied "Well, that's gout and arthritis".

This is the same guy who adamantly told me two weeks ago that it wasn't gout or arthritis, and that it was an infection.

he even told me that the dubias won't lead to gout, and that mealworms will, but she's been a mealworm addict the first 7-8 years of her life, and for the last 9-10 months has been eating Dubias almost exclusively.

Needless to say, I am done with this vet.
I'm sorry.

Your vet experience is fortunately uncommon!

Here's the ARAV link, WHEN you need it for finding a better vet.


New member
he thinks that the gout is manageable and is not causing a quality of life issue, and believes I can address it via diet. He also took an xray and said that the damage looks like it is specifically in her joints which is causing the inflammation, and that her bones look healthy.

the problem is, I can't trust this guy. He believes the gout is caused by Meal worms and not dubias, and I'm not sure that is accurate.

to make matters worse, after i picked her up and returned her home, she had an open wound on her back, that they definitely caused while she was in their care today. Not only did they cause this injury, but they didn't even disclose why or how it happened and just gave her back to me (due to covid they make me drop her off and pick her up later).

I emailed them immediately with pictures, and am waiting for their response....but yeah, I'll never go back to this guy.


he thinks that the gout is manageable and is not causing a quality of life issue, and believes I can address it via diet. He also took an xray and said that the damage looks like it is specifically in her joints which is causing the inflammation, and that her bones look healthy.

the problem is, I can't trust this guy. He believes the gout is caused by Meal worms and not dubias, and I'm not sure that is accurate.

Do you see white nodules underneath her skin? Perhaps on the elbows or hands?
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