Tokay Morphs...

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
I've seen that pic Morgan. But it's the only pic I've ever seen of a lucy hatching out as a visual hatchling. After all the years that morphs been around, you'd think if it was a simple recessive trait, it would have been proven by now in spades. I'd still love to see it prove out though...or at least figure out the secret to it so we know how to make it happen. Maybe it's like some of those ball python morphs and we just need to hit on the right genetic key to "unlock" the trait?


New member
The Dh and powders are half related I guess. 2 different dh mothers have produced this group of pb bred with a non related pb male. I have a picture that I've been keeping on my phone for a long time now. This is from another forum and I'm sure others have seen it before.
It's a picture of a little Lucy hatchling obviously right out of the egg pure white and gorgeous. I can't remember the name of the breeder or his handle on the forum. Id love to post it but I'd want to Give credit to the person it belong to. I just cant find any of the info. I've been holding on to the pic for quite awhile bc it's my glimmer of sunshine. ��

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Do you mean this photo?


Leucistic Tokay hatchling


New member
OK, so here's a riddle.

Is this guy a Leucistic, a Calico or a Pied?

The first photo is a typical Leucistic with black eyes. Although she does have some variation in her black patches.

The next two photos are of a male who has hazel eyes and what looks like a Granite pattern in his patches. Curiously, they very well may have been collected at the same time/locale.

Have fun!



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New member
Now for some real Tokay genetic soup!

The first photo is the female, her mate is similar. They gave me three normal looking offspring and this visual. The hatchling looked very Calico like at first with white, translucent patches alternating with gray.

Now mom's features are starting to show through just in a more mottled look with very little white.


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New member
But wait, there's more....

This Powder girl is one of last year's imports; first photo. She was gravid and popped a couple of hatchlings; second photo.

I'm assuming that the sire was normal because the juvie's are not patternless; third and forth photos.

I thought it interesting that they looked similar to some of this year's imports; last photo.




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Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
With as many crazy traits as there are among tokays, it may well turn out that many of them are similar to crested geckos where you simply never know which trait is going to pop out from any particular breeding. The other thing is that some of them may end up proving to be different ssp. all together.


New member
Yeah, I've taken an interest in similar Gekko like G. smithi, G. smithii, G. nuthaphandi and G. siamensis to see the differences. I have not gotten down to cataloging scale counts, size and alike that are used to determine different ssp.


New member
OK, here's one pair that has proven out 100%

These Super Reds are brick red with red dots and turquoise spots. My first pair has thrown 5 out of 5 visual offspring to date. I now have a second female to work with this coming year as well as several males. I want to see if the new girl will do the same thing and eventually switch the males around as well.

Adult male in first photo and juvie male in the second and third pic. Female in forth photo and hatchling in fifth pic.


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Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Ok, so how about this...why don't we make a list of all of the morphs that we KNOW are proven 100% for sure that are recessive, and a list of morphs that have proven out in other ways and a list of morphs that are as yet unproven and I'll sticky it and we can add to or change things, update, etc as needed?

I'll take the time to compile it. Just send me a PM with whatever proven info you have on each morph that you're working with. If you include a picture of the morph, I'll add pics too. This will help everyone in the long run. Please make sure that the info you send me is first hand knowledge from animals that you've personally worked with.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Yeah, now I'm going to have to take an online class on genetics, yeeHa!!!

Haha! No man, you don't have to get THAT descriptive with it. Just something like:

Super Red x Super Red = 4 visual super red babies. Current conclusion is simple recessive.


Calico x calico = 3 normal at birth and one normal that turned calico. Current conclusion is Pending

The"pending" list is likely to be a rather long one. But, like I said, we can update it as time moves on and we get more figured out.
calico x calico = 3 normal, 1 calico

While not safe to assume I think it works if you think that the calico genetics are split into several different types; calico 1, 2, 3, etc.

calico type 1 het type 2 x calico type 2 = 3 nomal looking double hets, 1 calico type 2 het type 1

Just a thought for you guys to consider.

Maurice Pudlo

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
The tough part with the calicos is going to be how to differentiate each type. And then figure out if each (or any) of the types breeds true like a simple recessive. That's going to take a lot of work.