New member
I'm not really sure that you should be falsely advertising animals as double hets when you yourself (or anybody else for that matter) has not proven out the leucistic gene as being (simple) recessive. It is misleading and incorrectly labeled as a double heterozygous, so you may want to consider editing your posts accordingly. I ended up with a 1.2 of your DH for powder blue x leucistic tokay geckos and feel misled. I did not purchase them from you directly, I traded a friend for them who had just relayed the information on them that he had received from you. So I went into the trade believing and not even questioning the association of these geckos being DH's. I take responsibility for not having fully researched and spoken to enough people about these genetics, but I just have never heard of a situation like this. Being that I was truly interested in the leucistic part of the genetics I don't think I would have acquired these animals if I had known the information that I do now. I really hope that you are correct in your assumption in regards to the leucistic genes as I would really love to incorporate these genetics into my colony. And listen, I'm not attacking you I'm just calling it as I see it. I'm not saying you maliciously coined them DH's to sell them for more, or that you purposefully misrepresented them as you may very well believe yourself that they are double hets. That being said, until the genetics are proven, more information should be disclosed on the actual facts and not just speculation.